Thursday, September 6, 2012

So far, So Awesome

Good morning all! I'm hoping today will be the day that our ultimate school supply- the planner, also known as the agenda will arrive via federal express. The fourth and fifth grades have been waiting for them to help us get organized. I'll let you know more details about how we use the planners for assignments, goal setting, and organization soon.

In the meantime, our first issue of Scholastic News came. It is a magazine with current events that integrates all subject areas, social studies, science, math, language arts, and even character education. I love the interactive piece too that lets us go online to learn even more about topics from each issue.

I hope the spelling menu assignment went smoothly for parents. I really try to stress to the kids if mom or dad cannot help you with a given assignment that is computer related, to just pick something else to do that evening. I'm finding that a lot of students have access to computers at home, which is fantastic. I asked a new student if he had a computer at home, and he said, "No we have four!" Sweet! Here is an example of a Wordle. Katie made this one by typing her spelling words into the website, Katie's mom emailed it to me to print. Nice Katie!!

Wordle: 09-05-12


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