Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day Jitters

Today was a DREAM... I have sixteen students! If you are aware of what's been going on with class sizes in our district, you know that this is not normal. I am so excited to have such a small class. I sure hope it lasts!

I have nine girls and seven boys. They seemed really happy to meet me and see the classroom. I have never seen a class adjust so fast, maybe it's sheer numbers. But by the end of the day everyone was just so in sync, I was able to teach a math review lesson for the NECAP tests. We made back to school fortune tellers (cootie catchers), and of course read First Day Jitters.

I hope tomorrow is as great as today was. I am feeling a little guilty because my colleagues are swamped with enormous class sizes, up to thirty-two kids. There's a possibility we could get a slew of new students from a neighboring over crowded school. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but today was definitely a 10.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to Write a Really Sweet Blog Post

Here is a link to the Google Document you'll need to get started when you are blogging about your independent or shared reading book!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Latest Greatest

As you probably know by now, I L♡VE technology! Not because it's pretty much the way of the world but because of the things it allows us to do. Mostly I really love how it engages those students who do not learn strictly through auditory teaching. I am such a visual learner, hence my addiction to Pinterest! For the kinesthetic learners, technology can help with hand eye coordination as they manipulate words during a language arts lesson or numbers when they solve a math problem.

So, the latest greatest web site that I have found is for both students and teachers! This website can be projected onto a whiteboard to show realtime behavior. While you can enter your class list and award points individually for positive behaviors, or subtract points as well for negative, that's not really my style. I would have been 100% mortified if a teacher had done this to me in elementary school! Fourth graders love nothing more than competition, so we will put in group names and award points based upon the groups students sit with. For example, group A, the Dolphins, has shown excellent effort, attendance, and participation on a given day. They receive 3 points. If there was an issue with forgotten homework or an unexcused tardiness, then two points would be lost. At the end of the week the winning group will receive a bonus. I love how this site lets you give the positive feedback instantly. Cool, cool, cool!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Quotable Quotes


Quotes make us think. It could be a famous one, something our mother said, from a movie, or history. I love quotes, and this might be in my top ten.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Word Super Kids!

Well, today I found a word of the day website which I think will be a great addition to Reader's Writer's Workshop. I think it will be a fun way for students to build their vocabulary. The words are all appropriate for fourth through sixth graders. I'll show the word on the whiteboard and we can read the definition, part of speech etc. Maybe I will have a little competition to see who can write the most meaningful or descriptive sentence with the word. If I hear a student use our word of the day correctly, who knows, maybe they will win a class dollar or free popcorn! Here's the link!

Here is the link to a little writing that I may incorporate with the word of the day. Perhaps we will make a book!