As you probably know by now, I
L♡VE technology! Not because it's pretty much the way of the world but because of the things it allows us to do. Mostly I really love how it engages those students who do not learn strictly through auditory teaching. I am such a visual learner, hence my addiction to Pinterest! For the kinesthetic learners, technology can help with hand eye coordination as they manipulate words during a language arts lesson or numbers when they solve a math problem.
So, the latest greatest web site that I have found is for both students and teachers! This website can be projected onto a whiteboard to show realtime behavior. While you can enter your class list and award points individually for positive behaviors, or subtract points as well for negative, that's not really my style. I would have been 100% mortified if a teacher had done this to me in elementary school! Fourth graders love nothing more than competition, so we will put in group names and award points based upon the groups students sit with. For example, group A, the Dolphins, has shown excellent effort, attendance, and participation on a given day. They receive 3 points. If there was an issue with forgotten homework or an unexcused tardiness, then two points would be lost. At the end of the week the winning group will receive a bonus. I love how this site lets you give the positive feedback instantly. Cool, cool, cool!
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