Saturday, December 29, 2012
2013 Coming Right UP!
I'm planning some great things for you! Hope you are having a wonderful vacation! Miss you all!

Friday, December 21, 2012
Happy Vacay!
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Many students were out today because it was a half-day, bad weather, sick, or all of the above!
Congratulations Julianna, Olivia, Nikolas, and Vinnie, who are at the top of our Scoot Pad leader board in math, they have all completed the first math unit and have moved onto unit two! Also, congrats to Brian, aka, BRAIN who is on unit three in math! Keep it up guys! I'm so proud of your hard-work and all you are learning. Read, play, learn, and enjoy your vacation!
Congratulations Julianna, Olivia, Nikolas, and Vinnie, who are at the top of our Scoot Pad leader board in math, they have all completed the first math unit and have moved onto unit two! Also, congrats to Brian, aka, BRAIN who is on unit three in math! Keep it up guys! I'm so proud of your hard-work and all you are learning. Read, play, learn, and enjoy your vacation!

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Snowflakes For Sandy Hook
Today as part of our holiday festivities we made snowflakes to send to the new Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut. Students will not be returning to the former Sandy Hook, and we are helping to decorate their new school, a former abandoned middle school. It will be decorated with a winter wonderland theme when they return after the holiday break. Our snowflakes along with many other classes throughout the country, will be displayed throughout the building with a sign that indicates they were made with love by the kids in our class. Taking the time to do this was important to me, and many students needed a chance to talk about what they had heard about the terrible tragedy that happened last week. I could tell it weighed heavy on some of their minds. I'm wishing that we could do so much more to help those families.

Saturday, December 15, 2012
I Admit It...
I am a computer geek! But I know some of you are too! We are going to try this site out at school next week and I can't wait to see who will be at the top of the leader board in each category. Do you want to try it now? Here's the link: Login in with your USERNAME. You can change your password at school, for now everyone is the same: 12345 Once you are logged in try the homework assignment I left for you. You will be ahead of the class and receive a special privilege on Monday... assuming we have school. There's snow in the forecast! Snow date Tuesday!
Parents this site is AWESOME! It is common core practice in math and reading. I think it could really help boost NECAP scores. Students can do assignments at home or school and I can track the amount of problems solved, time spent, and trees saved. No kidding!

Parents this site is AWESOME! It is common core practice in math and reading. I think it could really help boost NECAP scores. Students can do assignments at home or school and I can track the amount of problems solved, time spent, and trees saved. No kidding!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Animoto Fun!
We had so much fun today creating these animated presentations based on what we are learning this week in science. Animoto was a great platform for students to make a presentation in. They worked in groups of three or four. Here's their final products. Great job, no wait, AMAZING JOB guys! I am so impressed!
P.S. Use them to help you study for the quiz on Friday!
P.S. Use them to help you study for the quiz on Friday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Holiday Party
Our class will be having a holiday party on Thursday, Dec. 20th. Students who want to participate in a gift swap should bring in a gift that is school supplies or art supplies. The gift should be around five dollars, and be something to write on, and something to write with. So an example would be a sketchbook and color pencils, markers and a cool notebook, or paints with painting paper. Please make sure the gift is wrapped too! I will provide the refreshments... If there is a snow day we will have the swap/party on the 21st.

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